Pathology for Therapists
This module is your introduction to our treatment philosophy. Underpinned by sound understanding of scientific principles, excellent Anatomy and Physiology knowledge and the skills to help glean useful information during taking a case history. We will also look at the BioPsychoSocial model of healthcare and how this model impacts the way in which we work as Movement Therapists. You will quickly learn that there is no ‘root cause’ - it’s a bit more complicated than that…
How to take a thorough case history
How to identify potential red and yellow flags (serious ill health as opposed to common musculoskeletal problems)
Professional practice - key points in starting your practice
Regional & systemic contraindications and pathology introduction
Exploration of the mechanism of pain
Communicating with patients using Motivational Interviewing skillsxt goes here
Learn the key questions to ask when conducting a case history
Learn the important legal aspects of running a clinic - which main laws apply and what to look out for when setting up your practice
Have a basic understanding of patterns of pain/symptoms that may be out of your scope of practice (This course will not teach you to diagnose conditions - This is to make you a safe practitioner and refer your clients to a healthcare professional/A+E as quickly as possible)
Explore the concepts and theories behind pain science. This section of the course is based on the work of Lorimer Moseley, David Butler, Louis Gifford and Peter O'Sullivan. We will discuss these concepts in great detail and the theme will run throughout the course
Learn how language, the way you say things, explain things and what your client says can make a big difference to their recovery
The evidence behind manual therapy
Basic set up of a treatment area and introduction to manual therapyn text goes here
2 Parts -
Part a) Pre-course worksheet
Part b) Explain Pain Poster
If you are completing the full diploma course you will also be expected to reflect on the content of this module throughout your 200 hours of clinical practice and how you have used the skills & communication from today with real life clients