Neurological Testing for Therapists
This module will allow you to provide a thorough neurological examination should your patient present with weakness, altered sensation or pins and needles in their arms and/or legs.
We will look at disc herniations in detail (part of the online preparatory materials) and define radicular symptoms and radiculopathy so that you can understand the difference between the two terms.
Sciatica is a term often used in the physical therapy field but it is not a diagnosis - it is a symptom. To be able to determine the likely factors that are causing these symptoms you will have a thorough understanding of how to differentiate between different structures that may be causing the symptoms and signposting for your patient for the next course of action.
During the course we will focus on:
Brachial plexus
Lumbar/sacral plexus
Cranial nerves
You will also learn how to use a patella (reflex) hammer, as well as specific muscle testing (myotomes) and various sensory tests (dermatomes)
Online Course (Preparatory)
What does the nervous system do?
Nervous and Endocrine system working together
Organisation of the nervous system
Central and peripheral nervous system
Autonomic, Enteric and somatic systems
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
Functions of the Nervous system
Histology of nervous tissue
Motor Neurons
Sensory Neurons
Meissner corpuscle
Merkel Disc
Free nerve ending
Classification of a neuron
Grey and White matter
Classification of nerve fibres
A Fibres
B Fibres
C Fibres
Spinal Cord Anatomy
Spinal Tracts
Brachial, Lumbar, Sacral Plexus
How a stretch reflex works
How a tendon reflex works
How a withdrawal reflex works
Babinski Reflex
Cremaster Reflex
Cranial Nerves
Radicular Vs Radiculopathy Vs refrred
Understand the micro and macro neuroanatomy that contribute to the organisation of the nervous system
Understand the components of a neurological assessment
Demonstrate a thorough neurological examination
Reflex testing for Biceps, Triceps, Brachioradialis, Patella and Achilles
Myotome screen – Upper and Lower Extremity
Dermatome Screen – Upper and lower extremity including: Light Touch, Sharp touch, Vibration sense and temperature sense
Spurlings test, Adsons Test, Babinski Test, SLR, Slump, Tension Tests: Femoral Nerve, Median Nerve, Ulna Nerve, Radial Nerve
Demonstrate an understanding of potential red flags and the importance of urgent medical referral (VBI and Cauda Equina)
Demonstrate how to conduct a cranial nerve assessment
3 Parts -
Part a) Pre-course worksheet
Part b) Peripheral Nerve assessment video
Part c) Cranial Nerve assessment video
If you are completing the full diploma course you will also be expected to reflect on the content of this module throughout your 200 hours of clinical practice and how you have used the skills & communication from today with real life clients