Advancing Manual Therapy and Introduction to DermoNeuroModulation (DNM)

  • This course is a one-day hands on workshop exploring a modern approach to Manual Therapy. Mike is a Sports Therapist, Anatomist and has a Degree in Osteopathy he has been teaching Manual Therapy for 20 years. This is the perfect opportunity to get hands on and learn the very latest in why we think manual therapy helps so many people.

    • Neurophysiology of manual therapy techniques

    • Learn a variety of ‘advanced’ manual therapy techniques and the current thinking as to why they are effective

    • Apply these techniques immediately alongside your existing range of movement and movement testing

    • When manual therapy may not be the best option and when to refer

    • Explore the current scientific basis behind all manual therapy techniques and how it could influence pain and range of movement.

    • Explore the properties of connective tissue and the mechanoreceptors in fascia

    • Apply and critically analyse the following techniques:

    • Muscle Energy Techniques

    • Soft Tissue Release (Active and Passive release)

    • Myofascial ‘release’ technique

    • Positional Release

    • ‘Trigger point’ technique

    • DermoNeuroModulation

    • Complete a video to be posted to our private course group of 3 x upper body MET’s and 3 x lower body MET’s

    • If you are completing the full diploma course you will be expected to reflect on the content of the Explain Pain and Tissue Healing days throughout your 200 hours of clinical practice and how you have used the skills/communication from those modules with real-life clients

The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated

- Plato